Training in Digital Marketing

Besides having run several "dot com" companies and being a university teacher, one of the things that Montserrat enjoys the most is holding conferences and workshops. Therefore, when somebody hires her, not only an interesting lecture is obtained, but she also manages to make the audience vibrate with everything related to Digital Marketing and encourages them to get involved and take actions related to the course.

Every course is prepared specifically for an audience and their websites are checked before starting the course or conference. Thus, Montserrat can use examples and solve matters that concern directly to her audience, getting a strong connection with them. They perceive that she really wants to help them improve their online strategies and marketing of their products through the network.

Montserrat is recognized internationallyShe has been a teacher for UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization) since 2015, and gives lectures to people from the tourism sector and governments in countries around the world.

  • More than 10 years giving lectures

    Montserrat has been giving lectures in Digital Marketing since 2002.

  • Lectures based on experience

    She created her first web page in 1995 and her first online business in 1999.

  • Lectures in 4 languages

    She gives lectures and prepares materials in Catalan, Spanish, English and French.

  • Agendas adapted to each audience

    She takes a look at the attendees' websites and adapts the agenda to their needs.

  • Happy students

    She receives excellent reviews from her students, from both masters and short term courses.

Customized courses

Are you planning to organize a course? Click here to find inspiration on some of our proposals.


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