Articles related to culture and new technologies

Presentation of my new book “Success strategies for cultural companies”

¡Mi nuevo libro ya está disponible! 📚✨

Estoy muy contenta de anunciar el lanzamiento de mi nuevo libro “Estrategias de éxito para empresas culturales”, coescrito con Francesc Miralles y publicado por la editorial 3ISIC.Success strategies for cultural companies

Contenido del libro

En este libro, ofrecemos una guía completa para que las organizaciones culturales puedan adaptarse y prosperar en un entorno en constante cambio. Basado en mi tesis doctoral, la obra muestra los conocimientos adquiridos con entrevistas en profundidad a 11 empresas culturales y 125 encuestas adicionales. Abordamos temas cruciales como la digitalización, la sostenibilidad y la importancia del asociacionismo para la innovación y la resiliencia.

Durante la presentación del libro, tuve la oportunidad de compartir algunas de las principales conclusiones y recomendaciones, incluyendo estrategias prácticas para enfrentar los desafíos actuales y aprovechar las nuevas oportunidades que surgen con las tecnologías emergentes.


Agradezco a todos los que han sido parte de este proyecto y espero que el libro sea una herramienta útil para todas las empresas culturales que buscan evolucionar y mantenerse relevantes.

También un especial agradecimiento para Helena Casas, la conductora de la entrevista durante la presentación.

Ficha técnica del libro

  • Title: Estrategias de éxito para empresas culturales
  • Subtítulo: Descubre las claves de la adaptación y la innovación para la transformación sostenible de las empresas culturales.
  • Autores: Montserrat Peñarroya y Francesc Miralles
  • Editorial: 3ISIC, 2024
  • Páginas: 144
  • Ediciones: catalán ( y castellano (

Vídeo de la presentación

Aquí os dejo el vídeo de la presentación en la que Helena nos entrevista a los autores.

Gracias por vuestro apoyo y espero vuestros comentarios sobre el libro.

We'll talk!

#EmpresasCulturales #Innovación #Sostenibilidad #MarketingDigital #TransformaciónDigital

I am a Doctor in Business Management!

Today I am very happy to share with everyone a significant achievement in my life and career: I have obtained a doctorate in Business Management. My thesis, "Understanding Sustainable Transformation: Business Model Adaptation in the Cultural and Creative Industries“, is not only the fruit of my academic work, but also the symbol of a personal journey full of challenges, learning and satisfaction.

Defense of Montserrat Peñarroya's thesisThis path to the doctorate has been a journey of five years of intense dedication. As a mother of three and grandmother of two, I have had to balance my family responsibilities with the demands of academic research, which has not been an easy task. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic brought with it additional challenges, but also offered me a unique perspective to observe how companies, both cultural and non-cultural, adapted to the emergency of confinement and the subsequent “new normal”.

Research in Business Model Adaptation

In my research, I have focused on how cultural and creative industries can reshape their business models to not only survive but thrive in a changing environment. The thesis highlights the importance of adapting the business model to improve competitiveness, increase sustainability and strengthen resilience to environmental changes.

My findings show that associations and clusters can play an important role in adapting the business model of cultural companies. These environments can provide companies with a platform to share knowledge, collaborate with other companies, and access resources and opportunities. Being part of an association of peers affects both the perception of entrepreneurs and managers about the benefits of the changes they must make, as well as whether it will be easy or not to implement them. The experience and results of your peers is essential to make the decision to make a change in your companies' business model.

I opted for a doctoral approach based on the compilation of articles, publishing research in specialized scientific journals. Each article was subjected to a rigorous peer review process, validating the quality and relevance of my work.

Defense of Montserrat Peñarroya's thesis

The defense of the thesis

One of the most notable moments of this trip was the defense of the thesis, carried out on December 15 in front of a panel of experts in the Aula Magna of the La Salle Campus Barcelona. It fills me with pride and satisfaction to have received the qualification of Excellent Cum Laude.

For me, obtaining this doctorate is much more than an academic achievement. It represents years of dedication and effort, and symbolizes my passion for research and innovation. This achievement has not only expanded my understanding in my area of ​​study, but has also strengthened my ability to face challenges and make informed decisions in my professional career.

I understand that academic literature can be complex, so during this Christmas season, I will dedicate myself to turning the thesis into a more accessible and enjoyable book. I will share more details about it soon.


I want to thank from the bottom of my heart my family, friends, colleagues and especially my tutor, Dr. Francesc Miralles, for their unconditional support throughout this process. I know it sounds cliché... but it's 100% deserved.

Now, with the doctorate in hand, I am going to continue researching, delving into how professional associations and technological clusters influence business decisions.

You will find more information about the research as well as the link to the three articles, here: Research in Business Model Adaptation

If you are interested in my work or have any questions, I invite you to leave a comment or send me an email.

We're going talking.


On the importance of Culture and going back to the Theater

The importance of Culture and Theater

Today I am meeting some friends to go to the Theater. Let's see "Uncle Vania." A drama by the Russian writer Anton Chekhov published in 1899.

I do not know this work. The title sounds familiar to me, but I have never seen it performed nor do I know what it is about. I do know Chekhov, we are old friends. Antón Pávlovich Chekhov is a Russian writer, framed in the literary currents of realism and naturalism. I don't particularly like realism… but Chekhov is a great master of the short story and I want to see this work.

When I think of Chekhov, a literary device that generates spoilers every time I see it on a screen comes to mind... “Chekhov's weapon”. Chekhov's weapon is a dramatic principle that postulates that every element in a narrative must be necessary and irreplaceable, or else it must be eliminated. "Eliminate everything that has no relevance in the story" indicates Chekhov. When in a movie they point to a rifle hanging on a wall, you can bet that rifle will be part of the plot at one point or another. This is Chekhov's principle or "Chekhov's weapon"...a spoiler-creating sneak!

I'm afraid to go to the theater, not because of COVID, but because of the play itself. Even if it's by Chekhov, the works that my friends choose are usually a bit clumsy… they're into the classics and “art and essay”. I prefer to go to the theater to have a good time. The same as when I go to the movies or read a book... in my leisure time, I prefer evasion than reflection. I'm not ashamed to admit it. Anyway, I really want to go to the theater because we haven't been there for a long time. Since the fateful March 15, 2020, in which the confinement began, we have only been once. It's time to go back.

I think about how cultural and creative services are fundamental in our society. A text from the Commission of the European Union comes to mind, the Green Paper that I use in class, in which the European regions are invited to “Unlocking the potential of cultural and creative industries”From their territories. The text reflects on how Culture is the heart of our social fabric, how it shapes our identities, aspirations and relationships with others and with the world. Culture also shapes the places and landscapes in which we live, the lifestyles that we develop. Heritage, visual and performing arts, film, music, publishing and fashion design are strongly manifested in everyday life and contribute to the social and economic development of the EU.

I go to the Theater happier thinking that I participate in the recovery of the sector.

We go in and the show begins!

… It is heavy to be the whole work with the mask on. But it's better that I don't take it off as soon as the lights go out (in the cinema sometimes I do it with the excuse of eating popcorn), in this theater safety distances are not respected. We are all crammed into a stall where the rows are too close together and the backs of the seats dig into the back. The previous time it was in a room in Barcelona that did meet all the rules... with the double vaccination and at this time of year, we are more relaxed and I am also in a city that sometimes seems like a town.

… It is heavy to be the whole work with the mask on. But it's better that I don't take it off as soon as the lights go out (in the cinema sometimes I do it with the excuse of eating popcorn), in this theater safety distances are not respected. We are all crammed into a stall where the rows are too close together and the backs of the seats dig into the back. The previous time it was in a room in Barcelona that did meet all the rules... with the double vaccination and at this time of year, we are more relaxed and I am also in a city that sometimes seems like a town. … It is heavy to be the whole work with the mask on. But it's better that I don't take it off as soon as the lights go out (in the cinema sometimes I do it with the excuse of eating popcorn), in this theater safety distances are not respected. We are all crammed into a stall where the rows are too close together and the backs of the seats dig into the back. The previous time it was in a room in Barcelona that did meet all the rules... with the double vaccination and at this time of year, we are more relaxed and I am also in a city that sometimes seems like a town. Permanent Link: On the importance of Culture and return to Theater

Maybe La Vanguardia is right... but what a hell of a work, it's depressing! The review that I read before the lights went out already looked bad, the author of it indicated that this work is a drama that reflects "the inner apocalypse of a handful of human destinies: boredom, wasted life, love not reciprocated, the unfinished work…” Wow…

I'm falling asleep... but not like I fall asleep at the Opera... At the Opera the music is so beautiful that I can't help but close my eyes and allow myself to be transported to the worlds and realities that it evokes. Inevitably, and despite singing in choirs for much of my life and therefore loving music, I fall asleep and fall asleep. It's the thing about going to the opera on a Friday night. I accept it with resignation. But no, here today in the theater my mind insists on disconnecting and wandering around the room.

The importance of Culture and Theater

I stare at the stage and think about the actors and how they must have suffered during COVID. What should they have done during confinement? How long have they been out of work? Are there specific grants for artists? How should they feel when they are back on stage and see the public? I remember some of the interviews I have conducted while collecting data for my academic articles. No, artists (actors, photographers, painters, sculptors, musicians...) have not been able to adapt their business models. Most have had to find other sources of income or live off their savings. Many have been out of work for more than a year. Also cultural services such as theaters, concert halls and festivals have been forced to close their facilities for months and continue to agonize financially to survive. The Cultural sector has suffered as much as the Tourist sector, but it does not seem to receive the same media attention... and the importance of theater in Culture is undeniable.

The article in La Vanguardia indicated that 97% of the actors and dancers were left without income to survive as a result of the pandemic, and that close to 70% were left unemployed. I look back at the actors. I see people, not Chekhov's characters. I think of the research I am conducting to better understand the adaptation of cultural business models. In my mind I draw the business model canvas of the company that is playing “Tio Vania”: value proposition, target audience, marketing channels, partners, sources of income, expenses… I would like to ask how they are doing. If they have been able to do something. If they innovated in some way to be able to continue reaching their audience... Now that I look more closely at them, I see them happy in their role, even if they interpret a drama.

the survival of culture

the survival of culture the survival of culture the survival of culture

Keeping cultural companies in good health and adapted to the new post-COVID environment is essential. Increasing their resilience to new environmental hostilities is also of vital importance, not only for their long-term survival, but for that of society as a whole. It is not an empty phrase, it is a reality in which I firmly believe, which is why I have dedicated a year and a half of research to it, … and I continue to do so.

Keeping cultural companies in good health and adapted to the new post-COVID environment is essential. Increasing their resilience to new environmental hostilities is also of vital importance, not only for their long-term survival, but for that of society as a whole. It is not an empty phrase, it is a reality in which I firmly believe, which is why I have dedicated a year and a half of research to it, … and I continue to do so.

Soft Skills essential for Tourism professionals

This week from Innova Institute de La Salle - URL we have been working on creating a list with the soft skills (or soft skills) necessary for professionals in the tourism industry.

This research is part of a whole series of articles that we are writing about how Covid-19 has affected companies and society.

Last week we mentioned the hard skills that tourism professionals need to overcome the crisis caused by the Covid-19. In this post I presented this article and my participation in a round table organized by UNWTO to help the tourism sector: Hard Skills essential for Tourism professionals.

Let's go to soft skills ...


The original article is not yet published on our blog, but some magazines and newspapers have echoed it and have published it in whole or in part. Here I include some of these publications:

In the magazine El Economista: The key soft skills of tourism professionals for PostCOVID-19

In News and Diaries, they cite the article in The Economist: The key soft skills of tourism professionals for PostCOVID-19

In Today's Economy they have also published the article: The key soft skills of tourism professionals for PostCOVID-19

I hope the article is also of interest to you.

Keep in touch

A hug


Hard Skills that tourism professionals need

A couple of weeks ago, from the Innova Institute de La Salle - URL We were analyzing what were the hard skills (or hard skills) in English, that tourism professionals needed to get out of the crisis caused by the Covid-19.

This is the infographic with which we illustrate the article that you can find on the blog of the Innova Institute.

Hard skills tourism

You can read the full article here:

Hard skills for the tourism industry

Following our research, we also participated in a round table organized by the World Tourism Organization.

You can watch the video here:

And several online publications are citing the research and the article.

Economy Today: The key hard skills of tourism professionals for PostCOVID-19

We are now working on an article on soft skills. I share it with the one that has it.

How to Make a Benchmark

Yesterday I had the pleasure of teaching the first session of the new edition of Digital Marketing Course for Cultural Industries organized by the SDE (Servei and Business Development, the Catalan Institute of Cultural Industries).

One of the points that we saw was Benchmarking and I explained to the students that Marketing cannot be done without taking the market into account and therefore it is essential that we know what our position is with respect to the companies with which we compete or with respect to companies similar to our.

How to make a benchmark?

This requires defining the variables we want to analyze, to know what our position is based on these variables, see what the position of the competition, then, is ideal capture it all in a positioning map.

The variables that I propose in my classes are as follows:

Benchmark technical level:

  • How many pages indexed in Google have a website? (: (Without quotation marks and domain name who wish to analyze) in Google this information looking for " site" is obtained).
  • What authority does a website have? (obtained from the Google bar, any SEO plugin or from an online tool).
  • How many pages are linking to the page you analyze? (I recommend obtaining these data from which offers). Later note: Alexa stopped working in 2021. We now use SEMrush (
  • What position does that website ranking in Later note: Alexa stopped working in 2021. We now use SEMrush (

Marketing Benchmark level:

  • What is the target audience for that enterprise and which segments attacks through its online communication?
  • What is your value proposition?
  • What Digital Marketing actions have detected that performs this company? (This can see watching who linkea to page [online news, blogs, directories ...] and looking for his name on Google [see social networking profiles, quotes, articles, etc.]).
  • What features we would highlight their website.

With this a good record for each of our competitors and also for our own company is obtained. And these data will help us know where we want to be, where we want to go and how we will do it.

The positioning map that I use is a graph showing bubble techniques 3 variables: the PageRank (the radius of the bubble), the position in the Alexa ranking (egComo hacer un benchmarkand abscissa) and the size of the page (vertical axis).

The attached image is of one of these maps, the other image corresponds to a record of competence (in this case corresponds to a theater).

Yesterday I promised the students would write this post and would hang up Excel I had created from the websites of some of the companies attending the class, so that you have sample and was not needed to start it from scratch (the graph it is complicated to make, the axis scales are logarithmic, the axes are reversed so that the best position appears on the top right, and definitely not a chart by selecting data from a table is displayed by pressing a button ... of Hence recommend students to use mine as a basis for their work).

Anyway ... here goes the Excel worksheet for creating the graphic benchmarking.
Excel Chart "How to Make a Benchmark” to serve as a base.

(If you do not see the graphic good or bubbles are not 3D is because you are using an older version of Excel. Although I have saved the file in .xls format so that everyone can open, you are actually created using the .xlsx )

I hope you find it useful and now already know cow do a good benchmark.

If you attended the event and want the complete slides of the entire Digital Marketing for Cultural Industries course, remember that the SDE will send you an email with a link to their servers from which you can download them.

A hug.

Cultural Marketing - Digital Marketing for Cultural companies in 2020

Design a good strategy Digital Marketing It is important for all kinds of companies, but especially for cultural given the peculiarity of its diverse publics and the scarce resources with which they must obtain good results.

The secret of the Marketing Cultural is segmentation. The key to success is understanding that you are a sniper attacking certain segments. And the attack must be done with specific content that you know will have value for that segment. It is important that you understand what "will have value for that segment" ... this is the key ... you must know your audiences.

It is also important to have clearly in Digital Marketing There are 4 growth strategies that you can put into practice, and that can be perfectly applied to Cultural Sector. These are:

Market penetration strategy: You are looking for more audiences like the current segments you already have. Enter Google Analytics -> Acquisition -> Search Console -> Landing pages -> click on the most searched. Improve the SEO of these pages and you will have more traffic like the current one.

Product Development Strategy: Get your current clients to hire more services. Create a funnel with various services / products that have more and more value and that the same customer, start with the wide part of the funnel and as he gets to know you, he hires more services of greater value to him and higher turnover.

Market development strategy: You need to attack segments that you don't have now. Make a list of the market segments of your industry and select some of those that are not your clients. Analyze why they are not, adapt one of your products or services to fit that segment and publicize the service (with SEO and advertising).

Diversification Strategy: Attack new segments with new products. This is the riskiest strategy because there are two variables that can fail you ... it is the last one that you should carry out. Select a segment you don't have and create a specific product for that segment. Include it on the web and do SEO and advertising to attract that new segment.

Again, the important thing for the Marketing Cultural is that you don't mix segments. Remember that you are a sniper ... the temptation will be great ... you will think "since I do it for this segment, I also include the rest" ... no! It will not work. This is the key to Digital Marketing for Business Cultural. Believe me, I have designed strategies for many.

If your company is in Catalonia, you should know that the SDE (Business Development Service of the Department of Culture) has opened, just two weeks ago, the aid to create Marketing plans Cultural Enterprise. You will find the information here: Marketing consulting for Cultural Enterprises

If you need us to help you put these strategies into practice, contact us for a first meeting: Contact

If you want to know the techniques Digital Marketing that work well this 2020, you will find them here an article that I wrote last week: Digital Marketing techniques that work in 2020

The image with which I illustrate this article you are reading is taken from my new book “Guide to create your online action plan”. It is not yet for sale (we are in the revision phase of the edition), in the book I explain in more depth the 4 growth strategies. The one with the link will post it under these lines.

I hope the article has been useful to you.

Keep in touch.


Session Web 4.0 for cultural enterprises in Barcelona, ​​free.

Friday February 24 I have the pleasure to coordinate and participate in Conference Web 4.0 which organizes the BDS (Business Development Service of the Government of Catalonia) creadas especially para las empresas cultural catalanas.

This first session is part of the training will be taught throughout 2017 and in fact, is a presentation session and offer also educational content.

If you are a cultural enterprise just register for the event and that's it ... but remember that as free and seating is limited, you can not show without prior registration.

The session begins at 9 am and ends at 14pm. It will be held at the Museu d'Historia de Catalunya in Barcelona.

For more information, please see the training routes and to register to the conference, please follow this link: Web 4.0 SDE Cultural Enterprises

See you there.

A hug.

10 years of .cat

Yesterday I had the pleasure of participating in a symposium on Internet and domain names, about 10 years of age by the application of the .cat domain, with Santi Ribera, director of the Foundation puntCATCaterina Ubeda, magazine SàpiensAnd Lídia Martínez, commercial supervisor CDmon.

The colloquium was led by Eduard Berraondo and was performed as part of the program La Illa de RobinsonIn Today TV Channel Point.

During the program discussed various topics: domains, the importance of .cat, new extensions, wireless and security networks, etc.

It was very interesting, here's the link to the video. The symposium begins after 8 minutes.

Discussion Point in TV Today

Video Congress of Religious Tourism

In this post I embedded the video summary of the Conference on Religious Tourism held at the Monastery of Montserrat in March 2013.

Sorry for the delay, I had not seen that hung on Youtube until today.

Here it goes:

I hope you find it useful.

(As I was the last speaker, I did not appear until 8 minutes ... but the whole video is interesting :-)