On site ownership

This website is owned by Alpha Quadrant, S.L. and it aims to raise awareness of the teaching and research of Montserrat Peñarroya and your company work.

Name of the Society: Quadrant Alfa, S.L.

AddressBosch and Cardellach, 84-08202 Sabadell.

NIF: B-64370661

Inscribed in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona on December 13, 2006, volume 3905, folio 87, Sheet B 337,845.

ContactFor any questions, complaints or suggestions, please contact through form this website or by telephone (tel. 93 5377605)

About personal data and user registration

The website offers Montse newsletter subscription. The only data required are email and your name. Both data passes part of the database users of the websites of Alpha Quadrant, duly registered in the register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency and aims to send only Montse bulletin. This information will never be shared with anyone, least, transferred to third parties.

You can manage your subscriptions from any newsletter or you can apply the changes you want by filling out this form.

On the Law of Cookies

cookiesLike most Web sites using analytical systems (in our case Google Analytics and MailChimp) This site uses own and third party cookies. The goal is not to spy, if not better understand the behavior of website users. They are not even targeted advertising to show (on this website no advertisement).

As you've read the log for the first time to the site, we understand that you're aware of it and if you have accepted the conditions or after 10 seconds of notification you keep surfing, it's because it's okay that we use these cookies to our statistics.

If you do not want to accept cookies from any Web site, you can configure your browser to reject cookies: Settings-> Advanced- Settings> privacy-> Cookies-> Block third-party cookies from this same menu you can manage exceptions if you wish.

free and use of the portal

moneyObviously, the use of this website is free and access to all information on this site Montse too. Also, you can access monthly reports published by 3isic.com and they are collected in the training section of this website. All we ask is that if you use this information to Montse cites and links to this site from yours.

Montse may include access links to other websites it deems that might be interesting. The objective of these links is to facilitate your search for information related to what Montse says. In no case are sponsored links or advertising purposes ... so calmly and visit navigates reference sources.

Treaties these four legal issues that might worry, I hope you have a good navigation and find information that will help you and usefulness. I go all right!