How to write a good executive summary? (With examples and video-tutorial)

Executive Summary

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How to write a good executive summary? (With examples and video-tutorial)

These days, some of which I impart Masters in Digital Marketing classes are coming to an end and students must present their final projects Master. These projects can be in the form of research, in the form of Marketing Plan or as Business Plan. Most of my students choose the latter option. So tutorials in recent weeks are to finish finalize their projects, prepare executive summaries (Which although included at the beginning of a business plan is written at the end) and to prepare presentations to be performed before a court of the university.

During tutorials this week I realized that for many of these students perform executive Summary It is not as easy as it seems to me. So for them, I wrote this post.

What is an executive summary?

A executive Summary It is a document provided as an appendix of a business plan that aims to summarize in a two-page, our business plan.

This document is the one that will give our potential investors in a first contact. We never deliver our business plan directly for two reasons:

  1. Because our potential investor does not know if you're interested or not our business, and therefore do not want to read a document that can have more than 100 pages (you'll want most, spend 5 minutes to listen).
  2. Because we do not know our future investor (... could be a future competitor) and we're not delivering our business plan to anyone.

How can you make an executive summary easily?

The easiest and most effective way (or at least this is my opinion based on my experience) to make good executive Summary It is putting it in the form of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), ie, in the form of questions that may arise our potential investors and we will look to respond in three lines max per question.

What questions poses a potential investor?

These are some of the questions that our executive SummaryAt least, should respond:

  1. What problems have you encountered?
  2. What is the project about? (How will you fix the problem?)
  3. Where is the business? (How do you earn money?)
  4. How much money is needed to create it?
  5. How long it will reach breakeven (or neutral, or break even.. depending on where the investor is)? and What economic results will be obtained?
  6. What equipment is carried out?
  7. Why do you think you will succeed?

These same questions are surely the court to hear our final Master thesis will also consider well worth the students to take well prepared and be able to answer without hesitation.

In this video I explain how.

To see an example of Executive Summary including the questions, click here: Example executive summary

To see an example of Executive Summary written up no questions included, click here: Example executive summary 2

Both examples are both perfectly valid to present to a court of projects to present to potential investors.

How to write a good executive summary? (With examples and video-tutorial) Come.

I hope I have been helpful.

We talk to each other.

186 replies
  1. Juan
    Juan says:

    Hi Montse,

    Thank you very much for the comments, are useful and safe we ​​will use in our summary, until next time!

  2. Jesus
    Jesus says:

    I would like to know how an executive summary of a conference or a convention is made.

    Thank you

  3. Montse
    Montse says:

    Jesus Hello, good morning.
    What you ask me is complicated. I have written executive summaries for a business plan a lot of times, but I've never written an executive summary of a conference, so my advice is not going to be based on practice if not in theory. I would do the following:
    - Describe the event.
    - Describe the political / scientific / cultural context (depends on what is the Congress) which has been carried out.
    - Describe the 10 points that you think are most important and have been discussed at the conference.
    - End by describing the historical context of the conference (how many times has done, how it has evolved the number of congressmen, the number of papers, etc.)
    And this would be it.
    What I have clear is that it should not exceed 2 pages (or not be a summary).

    I hope I've been helpful.
    I go all right.
    A hug.

  4. cristian executioner
    cristian executioner says:

    Greetings, if cooperation could help me as I can prepare a summary ejecutvio to present a research project related to the right

  5. Montse
    Montse says:

    Cristian, research projects carry no attached executive summary, carry an "abstract". Search online "How to Write an abstract" (I have no article that explains it), I do not think you have any trouble finding it.

  6. Angela
    Angela says:

    I work for a foundation and want us to show the most important achievements of the educational area of ​​10 years in 1 to 2 pages. Which suggests to me ????

  7. Carlos
    Carlos says:

    I must make an executive summary of a campaign against the invasion of alien species on native fauna, the campaign aims to raise public awareness of the danger and the serious consequences that would lead to biodiversity of the place. Could you guide me a little? I'm a little lost, thanks.

  8. Montse
    Montse says:

    Carlos when you say "an executive summary of a campaign" you mean an advertising campaign? If advertising, search Google "how to make a campaign briefing", if not advertising, model questions and answers serve.
    A hug.

  9. francisco
    francisco says:

    montse..salu2 hello ... ppodrias give me your opinion on how I can make an executive summary ..sobre one ASSESSMENT environmental impact

  10. Montse
    Montse says:

    Francisco ... every time you do me more complicated questions :-)
    Let's see ... I would use the model questions and answers, and write the questions that your audience will head + questions that refer to variables that measure the environmental impact on that show, the executive summary.

    A hug

  11. Ricardo
    Ricardo says:

    because the truth has seemed interesting topic, Montse need to make an executive summary for the theme of "new governance mechanisms of the new Busan Global Partnership" is an issue of Development and International Cooperation .... Any idea how to prepare the executive summary?

  12. Cristina
    Cristina says:

    Montse good afternoon. I recommend to the executive summary of a company that is about to take off a new project to sell jewelry online.

  13. Arnoldo
    Arnoldo says:


    Realizarte wanted an inquiry, to present an executive summary of a thesis, which is the most appropriate verb tense ??, greetings and thanks.

  14. Montserrat
    Montserrat says:

    Arnoldo, I would write impersonal but would explain in first person singular if the project take your single or plural first if you are part of a group .... but I say, to write better make it impersonal type "has analyzed the competitive opportunity offered ... and agreed that the best approach ...".
    A hug.

  15. carmen
    carmen says:

    I would like you to help me to do or executive summary of the report on the work of my office for a year

  16. Montserrat
    Montserrat says:

    Nothing Carmen ... make a document and explain what you do in the office for a year. As do not know what the business is going, I'll explain in general. Atendéis indicates how many phone calls, physically how many people, how many new customers conseguis after calls, how many orders were processed, how many packets have been issued, how many emails have been sent. It would be ideal if you could know how much of the turnover of the company corresponds to actions generated in your office ... I dunno ... I say, if you want to explain a little more what you do I can guide you better.
    I go all right.
    A hug.

  17. Bastian
    Bastian says:

    Montserrat, have if you can help, I need to make an executive report about the benefits vs costs (income statement) of a cargo transportation system, have if I can give a structure to follow, greetings.

  18. eduardo francisco
    eduardo francisco says:

    Montserrat, greetings and thanks for the help helped me to make my first executive summary was well received by my listeners, now I need to summarize on monitoring objectives and strategic projects in gral. applicable to the case of a company X, if you can help me ... Thanks and greetings again.

  19. salvador
    salvador says:

    Hello nice to meet you!! quies know if you can guide me for the elaboration of an executive summary of ERP ..

  20. Montserrat
    Montserrat says:

    Salvador Hello, sorry I can not help you. I think you'll find info summary information on the operation of ERP programs on any web of an ERP vendor. I go all right.
    A hug.

  21. deyby
    deyby says:

    hi thanks for the info big help for my business plan work, I am looking for INFORMATION MUST as presented here on a structure model business plan explaining each part like this here thanks.



    It is the first time they ask me to an executive summary of world class storage and logistics national survey. I am completely disoriented, I could collaborate and give me guidance on how to do it.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

  23. Montserrat
    Montserrat says:

    Luz Marina, I have no idea about how they apply to logistics .... I do not know ... start by answering the questions that I propose here, but adapt them to your project. Above all, the secret is to get in the skin of the person who will read and wonder what things will be challenged as you read the summary ... you must come on to your questions.
    Good luck!

  24. sergio
    sergio says:

    Very good hacerca help the executive report. I'm wanting to make plans an SME and served me to guide me in this undertaking. Congratulations.

    RICARDO LANZ says:

    Hola Monserrat, excelente lo que haces, ojala te hubiese ubicado hace 3 años, pero nunca es tarde. tengo una pequeña empresa que se dedica a comercializar Videos en DVD y en PENDRIVE o USB por la via de Special Marketing, se me presento una oportunidad de negocio con National Geografic, los contacte y me pidieron un resumen ejecutivo del plan de negocios y como no sabia hacerlo acudi a la oficina de unos economistas para que me hicieran el plan de negocios ( Sorpresa) me cobraban $ 3.000.oo us dolares y no podia pagar ese monto, busque otras alternativas y en todas era costoso su elaboracion, me puse a elaborarlo yo mismo con ejemplos de la WEB y la verdad no cumpli en el tiempo que me dieron y lo deje a medio hacer. Bueno, no me arrepiento porque fue un aprendisaje. Ahona, necesito de tu ayuda para ese negocio y para otro que te detallo; cuales serian los elementos basico para elaborar un resumen para un negocio de importacion de motocicletas desde China para Venezuela… Gracias

  26. Tatiana
    Tatiana says:

    Hello Monserrat

    I need to make an executive summary of a business plan a clothing boutique.

    You help me?

  27. Montserrat
    Montserrat says:

    Jessica, if you answer the questions raised in the article from the point of view that interests you, you will have an executive summary adapted to a boutique.

  28. Andres G
    Andres G says:

    thank you very much for sharing this information, helped me a lot in my work, thank you !!

  29. martin
    martin says:

    Hello, I'm working on a subject called quality management in which I requested the realization of a scorecard. I ask if I can send mail as it was sent to francisco. From already thank you very much

  30. Eldin Avila
    Eldin Avila says:

    thanks for the contribution many doubts that I had the aclarodo an, I'm starting the business plan for a coffee shop and did not want to copy one, I think it's better to own. and post pear was not home thanks for clearing that God vendiga

  31. gregory jose arismendi
    gregory jose arismendi says:

    THANKS FOR THESE TIPS. HE NEVER MADE A REPORT OF THIS NATURE, ALTHOUGH LIVE WRITING IS FOR MY VERY dificl not dwell, HAVE POWER OF SYNTHESIS. ME THAT MUCH LIKE NO SHOW BUT WHAT IMPOIRTANTE, ONCE, MY FIRST DEMAND, find a colleague to me "advise" THAT THEN BECAME THE DEFENDANT ATTORNEY -VERY casually and he had more experience and my client had overconfident and pushed me VERY HARD tO A PROCEDURE fOR MI..yo would say that ,, vacuum. this will be my first report of this kind in my class public law, and precisely who will evaluate me my boss ...

  32. Jacky
    Jacky says:

    Hi Montse, I would like some tips for an executive resume on a brand of shoes. Thank you

  33. belen
    belen says:

    hello I will like to me some tips on how to make a summary of a report of labor practice, thanks

  34. Mayra
    Mayra says:

    Hello I would like to know exactly put data in an executive summary for my thesis and I graduated and I do not know exactly ... I put cloudy !!!!!!!!

  35. Bruno
    Bruno says:

    Hello Montse
    I would like that you help me telling me how to do my executive summary of a technical report Previsa the diploma degree.
    it assaults you in advance.

  36. Flower
    Flower says:

    Hello Montse. Thank you very much for the information you share, is very good.
    I hope you can assist me to give me ideas about executive summary for a mid-level school superior

  37. Gonzalo
    Gonzalo says:

    Hello monse: you help me with some guidelines to implement a bag of popular values? Thank you

  38. carmen machado
    carmen machado says:

    good afternoon, I am looking for a format where you can feed the information bs weekly sales, cost of sales, selling, shopping bs received during that period. Thank you

  39. victor julio cordova Castle
    victor julio cordova Castle says:

    Good morning, could help me with an example of executive market research report, the issue is that we are doing work for college on entering a debit card account market salary.
    Thank waiting for your comments.

  40. Montserrat
    Montserrat says:

    hahaha, yes we did all we would need you homework! In college, what they really want, it is not to see your executive summary, if you make the effort to do so !!!!
    Come, courage, put it.
    A hug.

  41. yordan
    yordan says:

    good night .. commo can make an executive summary of a problem, such as technical problems on a road ??

  42. Levis
    Levis says:

    Hello Good night .. You must HACR a business plan for the idea of ​​a product. is deicr, I Temgo riding a infome with the following structure:
    Value proposal
    Objective market
    Potential market
    Business System
    Work team
    Required resources

    this whole scheme must be based on my idea is Churros with ice cream, ice cream cone is based dough churros .. can help me please .. thanks. at least start with the idea

  43. Jesus
    Jesus says:

    Montserrat hello, I could say that aspects could consider drafting an executive summary of a study of environmental impact assessment ...
    I hope you can help me with this question ...
    a hug..

  44. Jackson soza
    Jackson soza says:

    Very good todooo .quería see if you can help me because I want to develop an executive summary for a sales company rag doll that I am creating

  45. Montserrat
    Montserrat says:

    Hello everyone. Thanks for commenting on this article, but I can not help personally in drafting executive summaries. I hope the information is useful to you and the example also help you ... but I can not do ... unless you have a teacher in a master's or postgraduate. If this is the case, please hesitate to contact me via the mail from the university.
    Many thanks.
    A big hug.

  46. Montserrat
    Montserrat says:

    Griselle, la creación de “Lock in’s” es una estrategia que tiene por objetivo conseguir que los clientes no se vayan. Los hay de 3 tipos: agresivos, medios y los no agresivos, que son los programas de fidelización de muchas marcas. Un agresivo sería: tienes que pagar para darte de baja como cliente durante un tiempo… (lo hacen las compañías de teléfonos). Un medio sería: si no eres miembro de este club, pierdes el descuento que tienes en la peluquería del barrio (… por decir algo… pierdes un servicio o unos derechos que tenías en otras empresas, si dejas de ser cliente de esta). Y los lockins más usuarles, son los no agresivos que como te he comentado antes pueden ser los programas de fidelización, o por ejemplo los puntos estrella que ganas cuando utilizas una VISA de La Caixa… si no utilizas su VISA no ganas puntos y te pierdes la yogurtera gratis.
    I hope I've helped.
    We're going talking
    A hug.

  47. Carlos
    Carlos says:

    Thank you very much for the information, I found it very useful for the presentation of a project as it is the first time he performed and did not know where to start.
    Thank you.

  48. Yury
    Yury says:

    Hello, monthly must submit reports of external and interventoria management concerning the progress of civil works projects where everything gets is important, but this can become very long and tedious causing many do not read it, then what you want is for me asesoraras to see who could go in the abstract or executive report so promptly find the most relevant and somehow be told what page could expand the information that is of interest to every reader. Thank you.

  49. Montserrat
    Montserrat says:

    Yuri, now that I think about it, what you need is a scorecard.
    Search Google how to make a scorecard for projects of civil works ... just find something.


  50. Montserrat
    Montserrat says:

    Emerly, questions for a small business are the same as explained in the article. If you want to look more like a report, do not make statements, you see writing each paragraph as answering the question, but do not include the question itself ... will have all the earmarks of a report. :-)


  51. Blair Campton
    Blair Campton says:

    HOLLAAA! I would like to know how to summarize market research in the hotel sector and characterize main and specific objectives putting a hypothesis and test it comom know how to do !?

  52. Juan Antonio
    Juan Antonio says:

    Ola megustaria good days and agradeseria them much Aque help me or mediera. For some tips. Aser an executive summary of a fishing pars coperativa please help

  53. Juan antonio Guerrero
    Juan antonio Guerrero says:

    Ola megustaria good days and agradeseria them much Aque help me or mediera. For some tips. Aser an executive summary of a fishing pars coperativa please help

    MICHAEL says:


  55. Williams
    Williams says:

    Hi Montse, I have to make an executive summary for my thesis, I am proposing to improve the current system with which we work, for which I have everything I thought as tools and as carried out, but it's the first time they ask me executive summary, so I turn to you for orientes me how I can start this summary.

  56. Gissela
    Gissela says:

    Hi Montse have to make an executive summary of an integrating social responsibility project, I could help, I've never done before an executive summary, please help.

  57. Montserrat
    Montserrat says:

    Gisela, can not help in a particular way. ... Come see answering the questions raised in the article. For each question, write a paragraph of 4 lines with the answer. Then delete all questions and answers left alone. You have a great executive summary.
    A hug!

  58. Patricia
    Patricia says:

    Hi I am studying manager for microentrepreneurs and I q do a job and in I make an executive summary of the topic of customer service, I need help me urgently and not to develop the xfa summary help me must present p the other week, thanks .

  59. Inés Sánchez
    Inés Sánchez says:

    Hi I am an average degree of trade and we have to make a project of a company and the first point you have provided one of 16 more subpoints is an executive summary, the idea I had was a tapas bar with live performances boys sing in the local with the idea to record a single and monologues, but the truth is that I q I find the idea quite difficult, you'd propose something simpler? Thanks for your attention
    pd: the truth is that it seems a bygone all we have to do when I've been reading that is a work of college.

  60. Javier colque
    Javier colque says:

    Hello Montserrat wanted to know how to make an executive summary of a microemprendimiento trying to install small LCDs TVs in cars

  61. Ivonne Gonzalez
    Ivonne Gonzalez says:

    Hi good afternoon as I can make an executive report but speaking presentation.
    For example put a color tables as separate them, etc.

    I hope you can help me

  62. maximiliano nateros, franklyn
    maximiliano nateros, franklyn says:

    that beautiful explanation, thank you very much has helped me greatly. I like videos as understandable as yours. :)

  63. Viviana
    Viviana says:

    Monserrat how are you, I love your explanation of the executive summary, I have a question as the summary applies when to submit a research population x cities, it is a kind of market research. How could it? Much appreciate your answer.

  64. Peñarroya Montserrat
    Peñarroya Montserrat says:

    Viviana I use the technique of questions and answers. Think about what your audience will have questions about what you are explaining and see creating the document based on those questions.
    I hope I've been helpful.

  65. Gildardo Antonio Giraldo C.
    Gildardo Antonio Giraldo C. says:

    Thanks for your great help I understand very well.
    My name is Gildardo Antonio Giraldo C
    My projects are twofold.
    one teaching
    And the other is handmade fiber such as rattan and related materials in the decoration.
    Design and marketing I am located in Medellin Colombia and to innovate new designs.

  66. Cinthya Castillo camacho
    Cinthya Castillo camacho says:

    thank you very much Montserrat, who will help me, did not know very well, to write until I found this information needed to write an executive summary for my Planex, it is an excellent guide. regards:)

  67. crystal Aguirre
    crystal Aguirre says:

    Hi Montse best regards ...
    My question is how I can develop a one Executive Summary Financial Reporting Standard is for college.

  68. Peñarroya Montserrat
    Peñarroya Montserrat says:

    Krystall, do it with the technique of question and answer, and then delete the questions. What is the norm or what problem solved? How it is implemented? Who should do it? How much it will cost to implement? These kinds of questions ... spirits!

  69. Jarielys González
    Jarielys González says:

    Hello! I have asked for a job (The job is a model for the economic development of a country) an executive summary and introduction. I am somewhat lost in that each should write without being the same. For the executive summary, you could use the guiding questions for this job? Do you have any suggestion?

  70. Peñarroya Montserrat
    Peñarroya Montserrat says:

    Hello Jarielys, what I would do is in the introduction to explain what is the problem in this country and why it is important to fix it. And then in the executive summary, follow the questions of my model. The first question may be redundant with your introduction ... when you have done, you decide if you delete it or leave it ... depending on how stay.
    Tempers! a hug!

  71. Pamela Perez
    Pamela Perez says:

    Good afternoon, I saw the tutorial and helped me a lot but there are some questions I think they are for a "business plan" in my case, the project that I have is for my thesis and is an "improvement plan" would like to know if you vary some of the questions posed to the executive summary ??
    Thanks in advance.

  72. Peñarroya Montserrat
    Peñarroya Montserrat says:

    Pamela, yo empezaría con ¿Por qué hay que mejorar? ¿qué solucionamos implementando el plan de mejora? y así tu audiencia entenderá la necesidad del plan de mejora… pero el resto de preguntas serían las mismas, ¿qué hay que hacer? ¿Cuánto costará? ¿Quién lo hará? quizás incluiría una timeline con las fases de implementación del plan de mejora…

  73. Pablo
    Pablo says:

    Montse hello, congratulations in advance for your willingness to want to help everyone. My case is an executive summary of the components of an information system. How do you suggest we address. Thank you

  74. Laura
    Laura says:

    Hello good evening, I am student teacher and I'm doing a project on an autistic Foundation would like to know how I can make my executive summary for this job? Thank you good night ... ..BENDICIONES

  75. nancy
    nancy says:

    Thank you very much, was very helpful for both my executive summary of TFM, and for presentation before the court.

  76. José Arriagada
    José Arriagada says:

    Hello Montse. I am a student of Chile, and our teacher asked us a job recruitment and selection of a clinic "clinical hospital in Chile Las Condes" I would like to know how to relate the executive summary concluded. This is to be consistent.
    I wait your answer.

  77. Peñarroya Montserrat
    Peñarroya Montserrat says:

    Joseph, the same scheme can be adapted to your project
    1) What is the challenge
    2) How do you solve
    3) it cost
    4) Who will
    5) Why do you think it will work
    Have you used for the clinic?

  78. Peñarroya Montserrat
    Peñarroya Montserrat says:

    Cachis Paul ... I like challenges, but yours is complicated. If you apply the article schema does not work? ... is to help you would need to know more about the project ... and see that asked for help over a couple of weeks ago, I mean that just because you've solved ...
    Sorry :-(

  79. Igor Pizarro
    Igor Pizarro says:

    Hello Montserrat, you could guide me in college work.
    I explain to my group conducted an analysis on the operation of a business functional areas and a proposal for improvement and we need to make an executive summary but your scheme is based on a project as it could focus on an analysis.

    From already thank you very much.

  80. Zuzi
    Zuzi says:

    Hi Monste, 10 years since you published this article, and you generate responses & comments and on top you answer most of them. I think this is impressive! Thanks for the helpful exec summary example with questions, helped me a lot

  81. Carlos
    Carlos says:

    Hello Monserrat has been of great help to clarify some doubts I had about how to work it and the next steps will thank you for the information provided

  82. Alexander Novoa
    Alexander Novoa says:

    Hi Montse, Alexander de Costa Rica. Congratulations because you helped me greatly. His explanation was very clear and applicable to my topic and propose solutions to the problem of money laundering in the area of ​​criminology. Exitos, thanks.

  83. Star
    Star says:

    Hello Good afternoon Montserrat Peñarroya, you help as I can make an executive summary for seeking funds for a project of scholarships for underprivileged youth? ... they are partial and professional scholarships. I would greatly appreciate an answer, because I'm a bit urgent and stuck at it. See you soon.

  84. Enrique
    Enrique says:

    Hello Montse.
    I write from Chile and I want to present to a group of investors with a healthy water project. Ultrapure water re constituted for optimal hydration, which is alkaline and has other key success factors that make a big difference with the competition.
    It is tasteless water and the concept is to provide a healthy, safe and for all kinds of people who want to care for your body and improve hydration product.
    That tips you can give me?

  85. Peñarroya Montserrat
    Peñarroya Montserrat says:

    Enrique, I would make the executive summary in the form of questions and answers and then, with this information prepare a good visual presentation. The presentation present them in a format other than the normal (a little square, or elongated ... something different), save it to PDF and sent as product presentation brochure. Seeking differentiation from your competition, both in the product and how to make it known.

  86. Peñarroya Montserrat
    Peñarroya Montserrat says:

    Sorry Estrella, was on vacation and did not see the urgency of your message. What you need is called a "dossier sponsorship". Google search for how. an executive summary It looks like but you have to include what you offer to sponsor ... In addition to explaining what you need. Think about what you can be useful to the sponsor, this is the key, if not ... do not give the funds.

  87. Ana Braids
    Ana Braids says:

    Excellent!! A great article, brief, concise and clear.

    Congratulations!! It has been very useful to clarify my ideas in conducting an executive summary.

    A hug!!

  88. martin
    martin says:

    very good article I would like to make an executive summary for a strategic plan for a trading company in building materials ... I is difficult to define because they are several products

  89. Ricardo A. Rivera
    Ricardo A. Rivera says:

    Hello, good morning Monserrat not know how old is this article, but it comes in handy.
    I'm Ing. Agronomist and run a department, I need to submit to the Director a summary of all activities and achievement of the year in question, can you help me ?, how do I start and how it ended?
    Thanks in advance.

  90. Peñarroya Montserrat
    Peñarroya Montserrat says:

    Yo no haría un resumen ejecutivo, bueno, quizás lo haría un poco, pero muy corto sólo para situar el proyecto. Lo que haría es un buen cuadro de mandos con Google Data Studio con los logros conseguidos y los KPI del proyecto… y le ofrecería enviarle el cuadro de mandos cada mes.

  91. Max
    Max says:

    Hello Montserrat ... see, I make an executive summary explaining the costs and expenses of a specific department? if you might give me tips! Tks !!

  92. Gamaliel
    Gamaliel says:

    I give a lot to people with knowledge to share what I have been helpful, because I venture to put a carpentry business and investors need, I will not take your finger off the line. To get my business work. Montse thanks, greetings from Chihuahua Mexico

  93. Citlali
    Citlali says:

    I found very interesting and academic work gets here, I have asked an executive report a life plan, and I have no idea how.

  94. Or
    Or says:

    Hello Montse! I wanted to thank you for the information, I am making a business plan and did not have the necessary tools to do it, but your explanation achieve better what little he had written!

  95. Jarib Narvaez
    Jarib Narvaez says:

    Hello Montse! an excellent article, very helpful and good arguments to do so.
    need some advice, what items can take or what would be the right to make an executive summary on a Ministry of Culture in the area of ​​social communication whose problem is administrative?
    Regards! :)

  96. Maria Jose
    Maria Jose says:

    hello, it is to work in order to master a comparative study of people with temporary and permanent jobs, as you would?

  97. Miriams
    Miriams says:

    Hello my heart like this?

    I am very troubled as I finish my degree in 2012. I have not had my first job is because I have not spent looking for employment but most ask esperiencia previous 1 year onwards of esperiencia. Although I've done quite technical course. Sometimes I think it's because I have no license to drive. It is provable that the problem lies in this. I can advise please. I'll be very grateful.

  98. Peñarroya Montserrat
    Peñarroya Montserrat says:

    Miriam :-)
    You need a coach, not me ...
    Anyway, I do not think it's a driver's license issue ... it is more than you propose to be an expert on something and you make yourself known to your target audience as possible.
    Come on, tempers !!!

  99. Peñarroya Montserrat
    Peñarroya Montserrat says:

    The same ... has not changed. In these 10 years perhaps the thing that has changed the most is the way to graphically show a business model ... now it is done with an Osterwalder Business Model Canvas ... but I would not include it in the Executive Summary ... although it can be given to a court or to investors, as a complement to the executive summary.
    Thank you for making me reflect on the passage of time.
    A hug


    Hello good morning, I have read your article and I like to have an idea of ​​how to present my report.
    thanks for your help.

  101. Jonathan Farias
    Jonathan Farias says:

    Excellent explanation and summary! And the reflection about the passing of the years ended up clarifying my doubts. Regards!

  102. Brayan ovalle
    Brayan ovalle says:

    good :)
    How would you do an executive summary, with the personal production mode that aims to satisfy the needs of others and families?

  103. Jordi
    Jordi says:

    Hi Montse,

    I congratulate you on the article, it is very useful for entrepreneurs. This information helps a lot to those who decide to prepare their business plan to start a company.


  104. Valeria
    Valeria says:

    Hello! I am working on the final project for my university career. I must do the executive summary and your explanation cleared up many doubts about it. I wanted to consult you because they made me a new request and I must make a brief description of the topic to be developed that includes the motivation, fundamentals, objectives and I feel that what they ask is like a mixture of the executive summary and an introduction. Is it so?

  105. Daniela
    Daniela says:

    Good afternoon, excuse me, I need to make a summary of a project that I am doing for my thesis is about the creation of a company dedicated to the production and commercialization of fruit pulp, as my summary could well put forward

  106. Ismael icsa
    Ismael icsa says:

    Good morning, I liked your presentation, I would like you to help me in an executive summary of service implementation

  107. lau vargas
    lau vargas says:

    Good morning, thank you very much, it is a good block since many times it is not clear what you want, thank you

  108. Luis Carlos Morales Araya
    Luis Carlos Morales Araya says:

    Good evening, from San José Costa Rica, a hug from a distance.
    the didactics teacher has asked me for an executive summary of 4 thinkers of contemporary philosophy you will believe Montse, how far we have come right, and I have certain ideas because of what you have written in the video, but wow how do I get into it, if you answer me before Saturday, I could present my work, otherwise it was ugly ugly, greetings and a hug, I see that you are a lady with a good heart and you explain very well. Kisses.

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