Cultural Marketing - Digital Marketing for Cultural companies in 2020


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Design a good strategy Digital Marketing It is important for all kinds of companies, but especially for cultural given the peculiarity of its diverse publics and the scarce resources with which they must obtain good results.

The secret of the Marketing Cultural is segmentation. The key to success is understanding that you are a sniper attacking certain segments. And the attack must be done with specific content that you know will have value for that segment. It is important that you understand what "will have value for that segment" ... this is the key ... you must know your audiences.

It is also important to have clearly in Digital Marketing There are 4 growth strategies that you can put into practice, and that can be perfectly applied to Cultural Sector. These are:

Market penetration strategy: You are looking for more audiences like the current segments you already have. Enter Google Analytics -> Acquisition -> Search Console -> Landing pages -> click on the most searched. Improve the SEO of these pages and you will have more traffic like the current one.

Product Development Strategy: Get your current clients to hire more services. Create a funnel with various services / products that have more and more value and that the same customer, start with the wide part of the funnel and as he gets to know you, he hires more services of greater value to him and higher turnover.

Market development strategy: You need to attack segments that you don't have now. Make a list of the market segments of your industry and select some of those that are not your clients. Analyze why they are not, adapt one of your products or services to fit that segment and publicize the service (with SEO and advertising).

Diversification Strategy: Attack new segments with new products. This is the riskiest strategy because there are two variables that can fail you ... it is the last one that you should carry out. Select a segment you don't have and create a specific product for that segment. Include it on the web and do SEO and advertising to attract that new segment.

Again, the important thing for the Marketing Cultural is that you don't mix segments. Remember that you are a sniper ... the temptation will be great ... you will think "since I do it for this segment, I also include the rest" ... no! It will not work. This is the key to Digital Marketing for Business Cultural. Believe me, I have designed strategies for many.

If your company is in Catalonia, you should know that the SDE (Business Development Service of the Department of Culture) has opened, just two weeks ago, the aid to create Marketing plans Cultural Enterprise. You will find the information here: Marketing consulting for Cultural Enterprises

If you need us to help you put these strategies into practice, contact us for a first meeting: Contact

If you want to know the techniques Digital Marketing that work well this 2020, you will find them here an article that I wrote last week: Digital Marketing techniques that work in 2020

The image with which I illustrate this article you are reading is taken from my new book “Guide to create your online action plan”. It is not yet for sale (we are in the revision phase of the edition), in the book I explain in more depth the 4 growth strategies. The one with the link will post it under these lines.

I hope the article has been useful to you.

Keep in touch.


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