Articles Digital Marketing and creating online businesses.

MOOC new edition of SEO, Free

Finally everything is ready to start Mooc de SEO we teach from the Unviersitat of Vic in Miriadax platform. On April 16 you will already start this course online, massive and open (Massive Online Open CourseIn English) we offer free through the platform of Spanish universities Miriadax.

We are now in the third edition and for this we have updated the agenda with developments in SEO that will affect the 2018.

  • The changes aimed to end the fake news.
  • Changes aimed at achieving a safer Internet. You can extend this point here: how to move from http to https.
  • Changes designed to get users to see what Google has indexed really.
  • Changes in Google Search Console.
  • As well as changes in some of the interfaces of the SEO tools used in 2018.


We also took the opportunity to expand the weeks in which the MOOC SEO is open, passing from 6 weeks to 8 weeks, so there will be no rush for students seeking certification or validation of training credits UVic (with MOOC certification can validate the subject of SEO Online Master in Digital Marketing and Social Networks).

I'm sure it will be so successful as the previous edition.

This is the direct link to Mooc de SEO so you can register today.

See you in videos and forum of the course :-)

A hug


What is the conversion rate of a website? and how to improve

He conversion ratio or a web site conversion rate is the percentage we get by dividing the number of goals met by the total number of visits to a website. So, this is the metric that measures the success of a website. English call conversion rate.

For example, if this month you've got 20 sales through your website and you had 600 visitors. Your conversion rate is 3.3% (a good conversion rate for e-commerce).

Or for example, if this month you got your users fill 100 forms asking for more information about your products and you had 1,500 hits, you have achieved a conversion ratio of 8.3% (not bad for a contact form, although it could be better).

For each type of website is a definition of conversion: get a download, a sale, a request for quote, book, newsletter registration, etc.

Why is it important to know the conversion rate of your website?

If all you are measuring how many visitors you have and do not create a funnel for various purposes, you can not improve the performance of your website. You'll spend only bring traffic to the site without realizing that instead of a funnel have a strainer that loses users everywhere ... and this is very expensive. In the long run you have serious financial problems.

There are 4 ways to increase sales of a website:

  1. Increasing the number of visits
  2. Improving the conversion
  3. Achieving an increase in the average ticket, ie getting your customers to buy more in each transaction.
  4. Increasing margins with which you work, ie, increasing prices (if your customers put up) or performing best buys (if your suppliers consenting).

The easiest is the second. If you improve the conversion rate with the same traffic, the same price and the same purchase price, you'll get better results.

How to calculate the conversion rate of your website?

The first thing you should decide is what to target or targets have your website. With this information creates a Funnel as you see along these lines and set up conversion goals in Google Analytics. Once configured you can start measuring the behavior of your users.

The next step is to start working the increase in conversion rate.

What conversion rate should have your website?

For e-commerce: Between 1% and 3%. May reach 5% to 9% if the product is very good and you're a super specialist in digital marketing. Also keep in mind the industry for which you work.

For a web contact form: Between 10% and 15%. When you do not ask money if you do not fill out a contact form is easier to obtain a good conversion, so it is normal to get up to 15% if the digital marketing is well done and really attract to your website only your target audience.

When you start, you do not normally get 0.5% but as you know your users and understanding how your business works online you improve this rate to achieve the expected results.

To help a little in determining what would be your correct ratio included this table that WordStream indicates ratios CTR by industry, ads in Adwords updated data 2018. Ojo, are not the conversion rates of the site are only ads ... but they can give you an idea of ​​the variations by type of industry.

If you want to read the whole article, you got here: conversion ratios by industry.

How to improve the conversion rate of a website?

There are many variables that affect the conversion of a website. But these are the main ones:

Download speed: If your website is slow people do not want to navigate it and go before've become. In addition Google will penalize you for being slower than normal and above will not have traffic ... so the download speed is important. Measure it on the Google tool: Google Speed ​​Test. Follow the personalized tips that will tell Google.

Usability: Make sure your users understand well what to do on your website and do not get lost along the way. Also check out what it's like sailing through a mobile. Google performs the test: Mobile optimization test and follow Google's advice if your page is not optimized.

Persuasion: verifies that your website indicate what to do and persuasive in your messages explaining what to solve the problem and how you will serve your product to the user. Segmented do so. That is, for each segment, a specific page, speaking from the point of view of the customer and vocabulary. Shows photos of your segment using your product to be reflected in them.

Transmission of trust: make sure your site is professional, with a design that reflects your brand values ​​and is user friendly. Encrypts the entire website to the user's browser indicates it is safe (used in https instead of http) And the user feels safe. If you are a member of an association or chamber of commerce, indicate also gives users peace of mind knowing that if they have a problem you can appeal to a higher entity. In the "about us" shows photos of yourself or your team generally stick up for your business conveys confidence.

Attracting well done: Obviously, if people entering your website is not your target audience can not convert them. Make sure the SEO and other techniques to attract visitors are well done.

With these 5 tips you should start increasing your conversion rate and therefore your billing.

I hope this article has been helpful.

We're going talking.

Video "Introduction to Digital Márqueting"

He Online Master in Digital Marketing and Social Networks University of Vic is about to begin.

As the first edition, it has not been easy. We had to prepare videos and syllabi of all subjects, coordinating the agendas of teachers and consultants (who are also professionals in their respective fields), prepare weminars, Discussions, case studies, and interviews with companies, and endless work but even from outside can not see, it does require great dedication. But you're all about ... and we are thrilled!

The video you can see below is the first video of the course Introduction to Digital Marketing. In this video I make a summary of the subject, and I share why I think just seeing the 12 points can already be useful to create the communication plan for your business ... but if you also want to know how to do everything I explain ... for this is the master :-)

The Masters will begin on October 18th and is 100% online.

There are still 5 places, so if you fancy, you're in time to register.

You will find more information here:

Online Master in Digital Marketing and Social Networks

See you!

A hug.

The new marketplace of Facebook is already running

As promised Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook has been heavily involved in e-commerce, but rather the Amazon style has made the Wallapop style. That is, for the moment, the Marketplace is a set of offers posted by users themselves, using geolocation to display products that are closer to the user, and without charging commission on transactions.

US and takes 10 months running, but in Spain began in mid August and this week the app has appeared on the web. You will see the link in the menu on the left of the home page under the News & Messenger, or clicking here: Facebook Marketplace

Once in the Marketplace, products are displayed by category, price and geolocation. The search engine works quite well, and sell button is located in the most visible part of the page. So nothing to criticize ... all OK.

Bids are created by end users and also for companies that are exploited is not oversaturated, to publicize their products.

Facebook no ha publicado cifras sobre el uso del Marketplace, pero parece razonable augurarle un buen futuro puesto que el comercio electrónico está en pleno auge. Fue a principios de este 2017 que Telefónica ya publicó que durante 2016 más del 50% de los internautas españoles habían realizado una transacción online durante los 12 últimos meses, así que está claro que el Marketplace de Facebook llega en el mejor momento. Veremos cómo reaccionan sus competidores Wallapop, eBay y Vibbo (Anuntis)… y también será interesante observar cómo evoluciona el modelo de negocio porqué lo del todo gratis está bien para empezar y obtener cuota de mercado, pero a medio plazo se necesitan ingresos que al menos cubran los gastos de mantenimiento del sistema, por más Facebook que seas.

To finish Zuckerberg keeping promises, we now need to see how to put your own payment system PayPal to Google Wallet or running. In 2014 he requested permission from the Bank of Ireland to start this service in Europe and in January 2017 public which already had all the necessary permits to operate in Europe.

I will attentive ...

We talk to each other

Review of "Seveneves" (The seven HALE) Neal Stephenson, Nova - Ediciones B

Review SevenevesNeal Stephenson read is a safe bet. As always, the book engages the base is scientific, suggests and prose is well written ... what more could you ask for?

Write a review without spoilers is complicated, but come on, it's summer and I have time ... so I'll try.

The book can be divided into two distinct parts (present and future) and a transition between the two.

En la primera, el autor parte de la premisa que la Tierra va a quedar inhabitable en 24 meses a causa de la explosión de la Luna. Y, sirviéndose de la especulación científica, desarrolla cómo con la tecnología actual, los gobiernos actuales y la sociedad tal como está, se podría crear un plan de evacuación para el máximo número de ciudadanos. Así que se abren diversos hilos argumentales al rededor de la selección de los supervivientes, de qué cosas se llevarán al espacio, de los perfiles más indicados, sobre cómo adaptar la Estación Espacial Internacional (ISS), sobre cómo consolar a los que se quedan, sobre las naves públicas y las naves privadas… en definitiva, de la organización de la evacuación.

Entre esta parte y la siguiente (5000 años en el futuro) está la parte de transición que da nombre al libro… el momento en que por causas accidentales que el autor va introduciendo en la primera parte, casi toda la humanidad queda reducida a 7 mujeres confinadas en una parte de la ISS, nuestras 7 Evas. Cada una de ellas con un perfil psicológico, con unas características físicas y con determinada visión sobre cómo debería ser el mundo y la humanidad. Por suerte, entre ellas hay una genetista y aunque el archivo genético de la Tierra está medio destruido, el laboratorio de la ISS sigue operativo.

The second part of the book is already in a future in which humanity has been divided into 7 races and the author explores the organization and coexistence of the 7 space societies and how it goes back to "terraform" Earth.

It is ultimately a story of annihilation and resurrection, approached from a scientific, psychological and sociological.

As always, there are details that lead to reflection for hours ... if 5,000 years mankind has managed to turn a wolf into a chihuahua only guided selection ... how far we could reach humans themselves with genetic engineering? If we could start again in a society created as why we regiríamos rules? What economic system would like? Why we would opt governmental system? What would interpersonal relationships in this new world?

Anyway ... 100% recommended reading for any lover of science fiction speculative.

How to pass a web from http to https

Use https instead of http in your website is becoming a necessity, not only to protect your users, but because improving the SEO of your website. Surely you had planned to do ... but you have not dared even because you know it's complicated. Well, here's this little guide to help you switch from http to https.

(If you want to know before what is https, you will find more information here: what is and what is https.)

Instructions to spend a website http to https

Let's see how we should migrate from http to https for everything to go quickly and without incident:

  1. You need to activate the SSL certificate that you provide your hosting. To do this, enter the control panel web hosting you want to make safer and look for the section "Security". There you should find a sub section called "SSL Certificates" next to the padlock icon. Section and enters that activates the certificate. Usually a free service and is done in one click. If your hosting does not offer this service, you can find it here Let’s Encrypt ... but things will not be so easy.
  2. Now you need to tell your web use the certificate that you just activated. If the web is created with WordPress this is really simple. You download the free plugin "Really Simple SSL" install it and activate giving the 'on' button. There, everything OK. If your site is created with another content manager, looking for the equivalent plugin. If your site is handmade, you must change the .htaccess.
  3. The plugin also ensures that when someone enters an old indexed without the https URL or some old link, go to the right page rather than one with 404 error.
  4. At this point, the web is already working with https, so you can enter it and check it. Unfortunately now we have to change more things: your Google Analytics and your Google Search Console (the old Google Webmasters). Go for it.
  5. How to tell Google Analytics to your site now uses https? You go into your account, you go to the admin area, enter configuration property and once there, where it says "default URL" http https change. Guards, and that's it.
  6. How to tell Google Search Console now using https? You have to enlist a new property ... you can not do anything with the old.
  7. Some other things that can help: Redo the Google Sitemap of your website (in the plugin "SEO by Yoast" if you use WordPress) and give high Google Webmasters again. Google also learns so quickly that now you use https.
  8. If your robot.txt contains instructions on where your sitemap, edit this information and indicates that Your sitemap is now in https.

Well, with this you should have about the web, all right, well sure.

As you see, make the change http to https is laborious, So do it calmly. If you have user registration or especially if you manage an e-commerce then not hesitate, and do it.

If you have any questions about any of the steps, please send me the question through the comments of this article.

A big hug.

What is and what is https

The https is encryption you get when your website is using a certified SSL. SSL stands for Secure Sockets LayerLayers of safe harbor in Castilian ... although almost certainly not this helps you understand that do exactly the SSL certificate and https.

In plain words, use an SSL certificate and therefore data encryption your website gets the following:

1) encrypts data so that if something were in the middle of that data stream and tried to read, I could not do it. You could see the data packet, yes, but not understand them because they are encrypted.

2) Ensures data integrity while being transferred because they can not be altered or intentionally or by mistake.

3) Provides authentication communicating to users that your site is really you say it is so the user can be sure that's your website and not a copy created by someone to steal the access data to your account whatever it will be stolen.

It is especially important in places where there are user registration and even more important in e-commerce sites.

Does https improves SEO?

10:15 am

If you want to read the official statement from Google, you can do so here: "Https as ranking signal

What is Content Marketing?

This article will try what the Content Marketing and what it is.

Basically, the technique of Content Marketing It is to create content on our website or on social networks, so that the attention of the various segments of our target audience and get attract so we can turn them into customers. It is a technique that is part of Inbount Marketing, Techniques to attract potential customers to our messages, instead of going to look for us using techniques such as advertising.

6 key success factors of Content Marketing

  1. We know very well what is our target audience segments.
  2. We know exactly what content might be of interest to each of these segments.
  3. We are able to create that content.
  4. To give voice to this content so that it reaches different segments of our target audience.
  5. That is what we show at the right time
  6. Once we have the public on our website, we are able to get them to become business contact or customer.

Content Marketing

Let's look at each of these factors affecting the Content Marketing:

How to know which segments have our target audience? This topic we have discussed in other articles, these two will find information that will help:

How could we know what content is of interest to each of our market segments? Answering this question is complicated because each segment is a world apart, so their interests vary widely. As in every action of Marketing, the Content Marketing It requires a great deal of empathy, so it's best that we put on the skin of a person of that segment and think what you really need to know, or what you should be looking. tools like Google Trends, he Keywords Analyzer Adwords or your own Google Analytics will help.

How can we create content? We can order it to a third party, we can create it from scratch, we can read articles on the same subject and thus writing a new one. How important is it that your target audience needs and do it in the proper format (not only articles, also computer graphics, images, tables, FAQ, etc.)

How to publicize the content? The main technique to publicize the content of a website is search engine optimization (SEO) so we must ensure that our page is indexed well in Google and optimally positioned for searches related to this content. We can also make it known through blogs and forums or through actions of Web 2.0, and of course, a public relations action. If you want to use the Content Marketing, you should train you in SEO.

What is the right time? A good strategy Content Marketing takes into account what time of purchasing process is the customer: If you are still drawing inspiration, if you are already planning if you already have clear intent to purchase, if you have already purchased but look for more information on obtaining a better user experience ... we should create content for each of the steps in the "customer journey".

How to convert visits has sent the Content Marketing, in contacts or customers? Bien, la respuesta es fácil: por un lado, debemos persuadir a la visita de que nosotros podemos ayudarlo con la necesidad que lo ha traído hasta nuestro contenido, y por otro, debemos asegurarnos que nuestra página facilita la toma de contacto entre las visitas y nuestra empresa. Así que debemos indicar explícitamente a las visitas que podemos ayudarlas, y debemos asegurarnos de que nuestra página web muestra el teléfono de contacto de forma visible en todas las páginas, de que disponemos de un formulario de contacto fácil y rápido de usar, y de que los usuarios pueden ver claramente, una dirección de email a la que pueden escribir si lo desean.

I hope this article has been helpful and after reading see clearly that the Content Marketing It is a very good technique for attracting market segments that may be interested in your products and services.

We talk to each other.